
You are at Home with the Lord

“I promise you what I promised Moses: ‘Wherever you set foot, you will be on land I have given you.’” Joshua 1:3 NLT

Photo by Julian Hochgesang on Unsplash

Whenever a Christian loved one passes away, we say they have gone home to be with the Lord. There are no truer words than those, and when spoken they provide comfort and eventually closure to the grieving family. Our loved ones are forever home in the presence of Jesus after their journey here on earth. But, in reality, they had been at home with the Lord while here on earth as is every believer in Jesus Christ.

The Lord informed Joshua as he was about to enter the Promised Land that wherever he went after he crossed the Jordan River would be land God had given him. “I promise you what I promised Moses: ‘Wherever you set foot, you will be on land I have given you.’” (Jos.1:3 nlt) Joshua would be home. He would be where God had promised he would be, in the land God had given him. As Joshua walked with the Lord by his side in the land, he was home.

Christians today do not need to wait until they pass away to be home with the Lord. This world may not be our home, but our abode on this earth is with Christ. We are at home with Him. Paul tells us, “Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?” (1Cor.3:16 nlt) And the writer of Hebrews says, “……God has said, ‘Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.’” (Heb.13:5 niv) If you have accepted Christ as your personal savior, you can be as confident as Joshua walking through the Promised Land that you are at home with the Lord.

A Christian Perspective

Is this heaven? No, It’s Iowa!

“Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the old heaven and the old earth had disappeared.” Revelation 21:1 NLT 

Photo by Los Muertos Crew on

Baseball enthusiasts and movie goers alike share a common interest in the 1989 motion picture release “Field of Dreams.” For the baseball fan, especially those who would consider themselves a traditionalist, a historian and lover of the game, it brought out everything that is good about the game. Baseball has the ability to unite people of all races and generations through a game played on grass and dirt with a wooden bat, ball, and glove. Its legends and heroes have managed to survive the test of time and will continue to do so. For the movie goer and causal baseball fan, the movie brings about an escape from the day to day drama in our lives and in the world. It also affirms the yearning of all of us for something much bigger than ourselves is possible, if only in a dream, a field of dreams.

The sentimental attachment to a movie produced thirty-five years ago has not faded. It has become a national treasure in America with tours of the set where it was filmed on location in Dyersville, Iowa.  It prompted Major League baseball in 2021 and 2022 to schedule two regular season games to be played next to the already historic site. As game week unfolded in both years there was much enthusiasm as to the upcoming events. People from all walks of life were anticipating the game, the nostalgia, and asking the question from that famous line in the movie, ‘Is this heaven?’ The answer of course is ‘No, it’s Iowa.’  

Many people are looking for a heaven here on earth. They dream of a place if even for a moment that will absolved their tears and frustrations of life. But even in that moment as Ray Kinsella (Kevin Costner) answered truthfully in that iconic movie, ‘No, It’s Iowa.’ There was no claim that it was heaven, but a field of dreams.

The good news is, there is such a place as heaven. It is real and not a dream. God, the creator of the heavens and the earth, has made such a place. It is reserved for those who trust in His Son Jesus Christ for salvation. Yes, it is possible to enjoy a little heaven on earth through the blessings God has bestowed on us such as baseball and the movies. But the ultimate enjoyment will be in eternity with our Lord Jesus. Have you made that commitment to trust in Him? You will not need to ask is this heaven when you arrive, you will know. It’s not Iowa, this is heaven.

Photo by Steshka Willems on

What have you done to be accepted by God?

“Can we boast, then, that we have done anything to be accepted by God? No, because our acquittal is not based on obeying the law. It is based on faith. So we are made right with God through faith and not by obeying the law.” Romans 3:27-28 NLT

Photo by Jasper Garratt on Unsplash

Paul, writing to the church in Rome, says, “Can we boast, then, that we have done anything to be accepted by God? No, because our acquittal is not based on obeying the law.” (Ro. 3:27 NLT) There are many churches today, denominational, and autonomous, that have incorporated sets of rules or by laws to be agreed to and followed by members of the church. But in no way by obeying them along with your good deeds of kindness do they guarantee you or help you get a seat in heaven. Paul further goes on to say, “It is based on faith. So we are made right with God through faith and not by obeying the law.” (Ro. 3:27b-28 NLT) Paul was referring to the Old Testament law of Moses, but it can be easily applied here in our day. The people in Paul’s day, both Jews and Gentiles, were saved by faith in Christ and not by keeping the law.

There has been a false narrative passed down from generation to generation that says, if my good deeds of kindness outweigh my bad deeds, God will accept me into heaven. No one can take issue with ‘good deeds being good.’ Yes, they are, and we should do as many of them as possible. But where do we find reasonable evidence that God accepts these as good enough for entrance into heaven except in our mind.  The only rock-solid evidence we have for entrance into heaven and eternal life is found in the pages of scripture, the Holy Bible.

Being accepted by God is not about doing good works or obeying the rules for church membership as important they may be. Acceptance by God for salvation is by faith in Jesus Christ. “For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast.” (Eph. 2:8-9 ESV)

If you feel you have fallen short with all you’re trying to do for God’s acceptance, you’re right! If you feel you are doing enough or the best you can to be accepted by God, I’m sorry but you are wrong. Salvation and acceptance by God into heaven is through simple faith as recorded for us in God’s Word. So, what have you done to be accepted by God? All you need to do is have faith!

Read: Romans 3:21-31 NLT – Christ Took Our Punishment – But now – Bible Gateway


These past two thousand years

“Do not let your heart be troubled; believe in God, believe also in Me. In My Father’s house are many dwelling places; if it were not so, I would have told you; for I go to prepare a place for you. If I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself, that where I am, there you may be also.” John 14:1-3 NASB

            Jesus’s love for us is such that He wants us to be with Him throughout all eternity. He has been preparing a place for us for two thousand years. His love for us is such that He left His heavenly place in order to make it possible for us to be in that place with Him. Sound confusing? It’s not really! Jesus, God the Son, left heaven’s throne coming down to earth to redeem those who will put their trust in Him for Salvation. Let’s just say the necessary arrangements needed to be made for us to enter eternity with the Lord Jesus.

            The incarnation of Christ is part of God’s plan of Salvation for mankind. We are all in a lost state, sinners from birth, and cannot stand or live in the presence of God. Our society today tells us that God is a God of love and He would not condemn anyone. It is true God is a God of love, but He is also a Holy God who cannot accept sin. Sin against a Holy God must be dealt with and there is nothing we can do to make it right. Isaiah 64:6 says, “But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags.” (NKJV) As much as we try and as careful as we are to live a clean life doing what is right, the Bible says that our very best is as ‘filthy rags.’

            So where is our hope this Christmas? Our hope is in Jesus, the Christ child, who lived a perfect life, and laid down that perfect life for us to accept Him for Salvation. We can then stand before God in Christ’s righteousness and live in eternity in the place He has been preparing for you and me these past two thousand years.


Missing the last piece of the puzzle

“Jesus said to him, ‘If you wish to be complete, go and sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow Me.’ But when the young man heard this statement, he went away grieving; for he was one who owned much property.” Matthew 19:21-22 NASB

A family of four are building a puzzle together at home during a game night.

            Working on a jigsaw puzzle on your own or with friends and family is an enjoyable and relaxing way of putting away the cares of the world for a period of time. All the pieces eventually fit together completing the work and revealing the final product. The rewards are not only the finished product, but what was accomplished along the way. How many times have you got near the end of working your puzzle and realized you do not have all the pieces to complete it, in fact you’re missing only one piece. The last piece making it complete.

            Our lives are like a giant jigsaw puzzle with the pieces falling into place throughout the years. For many of us there is a sense of urgency to feel complete in our lives. Despite what successes we may have there is this feeling that there is a piece missing making us incomplete. This feeling is two-fold, first of all we are created in the image of God, and whether we admit it or not, there is a longing to be united with our creator, and second we are created as spiritual beings with an eternal soul, meaning after this life is over we live on, and how can we know where that will be. For our lives to be complete in this life and the next, we need the missing last piece of the puzzle.

            The gospel of Matthew records the story of a rich young ruler who asks Jesus what good thing he can do to obtain eternal life. He was looking for the missing piece. Having kept all the commandments so he thought, there must be something missing, he felt incomplete. Jesus wastes no time in answering him, telling him to sell all that he has, give the proceeds to the poor, and then follow Him. The young ruler was devastated by Jesus’s answer. His yearning to find the missing piece to his feeling of emptiness was put aside in place of his present day wealth.

            Jesus’s instructions are clear, both to the rich young ruler and to us today. The thought is, there must be something else we can do to please the Lord and earn our Salvation. We are good people. We obey most of the ten commandants, and are kind to our neighbors, but we still feel incomplete. What is the missing last piece of the puzzle? It is Christ alone, accepting Him as our Savior and loving Him more than all our earthly possessions. Have you found your missing last piece of the puzzle? Read the story of The Rich Young Ruler:


Going from last to first

“So those who are last now will be first then, and those who are first will be last.” Matthew 20:16 NLT

            Today is Thursday September 7,2023. This date has been marked on the calendar of many football fans since last year’s Super Bowl. It is the start of the NFL season with renewed hope for discouraged fans of low performance teams and continued enthusiasm for the highly successful ones. Week 1 starts with every team equal in the standings. With no games played, every team is in first place and you can say every team is also in last place. But as the season unfolds there will be separation and the cream will rise to the top.

            A major topic in sports talk radio podcasts leading up to opening weekend is which teams, if any, will rise from last place to first place this coming season. There were only two that caught my ear as being possible contenders, one being the New York Jets with the arrival of future Hall of Famer Aaron Rogers, and the other the Atlanta Falcons in a division with not much competition. Going from last to first in the NFL is a major accomplishment through the hard work of physical training, dedication, coaching, discipline, patience, and focusing on one game at a time. Not many have done it, but it has been done.

            Jesus had a few things to say about those who are last and those who are first. He, of course, was not referring any sporting event but to service in the work of the Lord. Jesus used the Parable of the Vineland Workers to illustrate that faithfulness in serving Him will be rewarded. There were the first in line workers who agreed to work for the landowner for a day at a specific rate of pay. Others were hired by the landowner throughout the day right up to 5 PM, but for no specific rate of pay. As the wages were paid out, those who were hired first were upset that those who worked only part of the day received the same amount of pay. Jesus’s point was those who agreed to work for the said amount received what was due, and those who received the same payment were recipients of the landowners reward to them for their faithfulness.

            All who have accepted Christ as Savior, either as a young child, a teenager, young adult, middle age, or senior citizen will be rewarded eternal life. God rewards faithfulness in service to Him according to the ability and the time each one has to serve Him. Some have more opportunity to serve the Lord than others, but all will receive the full day’s pay of eternal life.

            Going from last to first in a NFL season will get you a reward, going from first to last will get you fired. In the Kingdom of God the reward is the same for all who receive Christ as Savior for Salvation, eternal life. “So those who are last now will be first then, and those who are first will be last.”    Read the Parable of the Vineyard Workers: