
Judas Kiss

“So Judas came straight to Jesus. ‘Greetings, Rabbi!’ he exclaimed and gave him the kiss.” Matthew 26:49 NLT

Photo by Francesco Alberti on Unsplash

The term ‘Judas Kiss’ is not a very flattery term. In fact, it is a term that has downright severe consequences. You do not want to be accused of planting a ‘Judas Kiss’ on someone. Judas Iscariot, one of Jesus’ twelve disciples, has forever cemented that term in history by betraying Jesus turning Him over to His enemies for crucifixion and he did it with a kiss. Scores of individuals have been betrayed by those closest to them. Judas walked with Jesus for three years listening to His teaching and learning things of the kingdom of God along with the other disciples, and yet betrayed Jesus for thirty pieces of silver.

Judas betrayed Jesus in the worst way possible using an approach of affection for his Rabbi to identify Him to His captors. He wanted to make sure they got the right man so he, “had given them a prearranged signal: ‘You will know which one to arrest when I greet him with a kiss.’” (Mt.26:48 nlt) The ultimate definition of betrayal was demonstrated in the devious self-interest action by Judas, one of Jesus’ own. Jesus would be arrested and handed over for trial leading to His death on the cross. But we know that through His death and resurrection those who believe in Him are guaranteed eternal life. It was His heavenly Father’s plan.

 Admittedly, the term today is frequently used in a much lighter tone, but the implications are the same. Betraying a friend or family member for self-gain or resentment hurts just the same. It is devastating to the recipient, breaks up relationships, and puts up a concrete wall between the two. Our Lord Jesus knows firsthand how it feels to be betrayed even though it was in God’s plan of salvation for us. Jesus knows the hurt feeling you are experiencing and can comfort you during this time of grief and betrayal. Jesus can also restore the broken relationships caused by the sin of betrayal. As both parties come together before the Lord in repentance and forgiveness, He will undo the ‘Judas Kiss’ bringing new life with ‘holy kiss.’

Read: Matthew 26:47-56 NLT – Jesus Is Betrayed and Arrested – And – Bible Gateway