
Can I Trust Him?

“Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.” Proverbs 3:5-6 NIV

Photo by Ana Madeleine Uribe on

Life is complicated for most people. Even for those who live in rural communities where not too much is going on, there’s always something going on, yes life is complicated. We all need a little guidance to help us along. Guidance is needed not only to be successful in life, but to have continued joy and contentment. Given over to ourselves, we are not always successful in life and our efforts for joy and contentment are but moments soon to drift away. We need someone who is bigger than ourselves, God, but can we trust Him?

The wisest man who ever lived on this earth, King Solomon, said God can be trusted. Solomon wrote, “Trust in the LORD with all your heart……and he will make your paths straight.” (Pr.3:5-6 niv) The idea of making our paths straight is to remove any obstacles that are in the way. Who would better know how to remove those obstacles than one with the ability to know what we will encounter before it happens and has the power to remove them. We are often confused lacking understanding in the way God is leading us, but we must rest assured His plan for us is good and will not fail. When we fully submit to God trusting His leading as we reject our own temptation to do it ourselves, God will surely lead us to complete joy and contentment. Yes, you can trust Him!

“I cannot always understand, The Way God leadeth me, The why, and when and wherefore Is oft a mystery. But I can trust His wisdom, I know His way is best, His heart knows no unkindness And on His love I rest.” (1)

(1) Cowman, Mrs. Charles E. Streams in the Desert 2. Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing House, 1966. p.138



The Long Way Home

“Normally it takes only eleven days to travel from Mount Sinai to Kadesh-barnea.” Deuteronomy 1:2 NLT

Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash

Taking the long way home is not always your choice, but most of the time it is. You may want to enjoy the scenery the extra miles provide, or you may want to search out a certain restaurant for your next night out or explore a potential new neighborhood in which you would like to live. You may also just want to kill time. But then there are times when the choice is not yours due to detours for several reasons forcing you to take the long way home. Disappointment and frustrations set in as the miles and time added up anticipating your arrival home. There are times in our lives when we take the long way home (God’s place for us) because we were afraid to take that initial step and trust God, rather, we played it safe.

The children of Israel played it safe. The result of not trusting God and not taking that first step turned their eleven-day journey home to the promised land into forty years. When Israel was in Kadesh-barnea, the point of entry to the land God had promised them, they refused to go ahead fearing the battles that would pursue. They didn’t trust God to place them safely in the land even though they were called and chosen to enter it. They didn’t trust God to take away their fear.

The Lord calls each one of us who have trusted Him as savior to a place of His choosing to serve Him. That place is ‘home’ where we will be the most comfortable in our service to God. Not all of us are called to be pastors, missionaries, or Sunday school teachers, but we are called to serve where God directs us and in what specific area of ministry He has for us. Heed that calling whatever it may be and wherever it may be. Don’t let your fear keep you from God’s plan for your life. You’ll probably end up there eventually so quit killing time by taking the long way home and trust God to bring you into His service sooner rather than later.

A Christian Perspective

Misplaced Trust

“Don’t put your confidence in powerful people; there is no help for you there. ””Psalm 146:3 NLT

Photo by Adam Wilson on Unsplash

This morning as I write this, the news media is covering Israel’s attack on Iran in response to Iran’s attack on Israel a week earlier. News outlets are also reporting the arrest and suspensions of over one hundred students at Columbia University in a makeshift encampment as part of a pro-Palestinian protest. Anti-Semitism has been on the rise at Columbia along with many institutions of higher learning across the America. A week ago in Dearborn Michigan, anti-Israel, pro-Palestinian protesters chanted ‘Death to America’ and ‘Death to Israel.’ On Monday of this week, the state of New York has put a former President of the Unted States on trial for falsifying business records. And, this week, articles of impeachment were drawn up against the Dept. of Homeland Security Secretary for failing to secure the United States border. Yes, it does look like the United Staes and the world is on fire as the news media also reports.

The world asks the question, who can put out the fire? Where are the world’s most respected and knowledgeable negotiators willing to reach a peace deal? Are there any world leaders who will look out for the interests of their citizens and not for themselves? Are there leaders among us who will fight off corruption at every turn instead of looking the other way or covering it up? Do we have those in authority who will stand for truth wherever it leads them? It’s obvious if we had less leaders as listed above, we wouldn’t be feeling the heat from the flames spreading all around us. I’m not saying there is no hope, no hose to help extinguish the fire. This world has many good and decent, highly intelligent people in leadership that need our prayers and support. But be careful that your trust in them is not a misplaced trust.

Psalm 146 is the first of the joyous praise songs that closes the Psalter. It begins with praising the Lord, and then warns us where not to put our trust, being very specific. “Don’t put your confidence in powerful people; there is no help for you there. When they breathe their last, they return to the earth, and all their plans die with them.” (Ps.146:3-4 nlt) The warning is clear. Our trust is not to be in powerful people, but in the Lord. “He made heaven and earth, the sea, and everything in them. He keeps every promise forever.” (Ps.146:6 nlt) The rest of the Psalm continues with the guaranteed hope we have as we see God fulfill all His promises. We can be sure our trust in God is never a misplaced trust. Put your trust in Him.

Read: Psalm 146 NLT – Psalm 146 – Praise the LORD! Let all – Bible Gateway


Trusting God Completely

“But the LORD said to Moses and Aaron, ‘Because you did not trust me enough to demonstrate my holiness to the people of Israel, you will not lead them into the land I am giving them!’” Numbers 20:12 NLT

Photo by Frankie Thomas on

Learning from past experiences in life is valuable. Life lessons are to be adhered to not make the same mistake again. If we do not learn from our history, we are sure to repeat it, mistakes, and all. The Christian life is full of learning experiences. A deep soul search for each of us will reveal the Lord’s presence and guidance through each one. Maybe not all of them were pleasant but reassuring of God’s guiding hand. Throughout all our experiences the Lord wants to build our trust in Him. He wants us to trust Him completely, not taking anything into our own hands.

Moses, the man of God, had more life experiences with the Lord’s help than anyone throughout history. He saw God work in miraculous ways in Israel’s release from slavery in Egypt, the opening of the Red Sea, mamma falling for food each day without exception, among other notable events in his time in the wilderness. He had learned to trust God, and his faith in Him grew stronger each year, but Moses, the man of God, had a moment when he failed to trust God completely.

The Israelites, known for their constant grumbling for forty years finally got to Moses. They were complaining again, this time, about the lack of water. Even after all they had witnessed all of God’s provisions over the last forty years, the Israelites still looked to Egypt as a better place. The Lord gave Moses and Aaron specific instructions to provide water, “You and Aaron must take the staff and assemble the entire community. As the people watch, speak to the rock over there, and it will pour out its water.” (Num.20:8a nlt) Moses took the staff, as instructed, but did not speak to the rock, but struck it twice in anger. Moses may have reasoned to himself that striking the rock was in order, for on a previous occasion the Lord told him to strike the rock for water, but not this time. (Ex. 17:6) He not only struck it once, but twice, and did not speak to it all. Moses didn’t trust God completely adding his own measures to it.

Failure to trust God has its consequences, both for Moses and for us. Moses and Aaron were prevented from entering the Promised Land due to their sin of not trusting God completely and taking the glory for themselves. We, too, at times run ahead of God assuming what worked the first time will work this time, failing to listen for God’s instructions for there may be a slight a change in them. God wants us to daily walk with Him, building our trust in Him, listening for His still small voice as He leads us. Out life lessons are learned by trusting God completely.

Read: Numbers 20:1-13 NLT – Moses Strikes the Rock – In the first – Bible Gateway


Become Something You Have Never Been

“Beware of paying attention or going back to what you once were, when God wants you to be something that you have never been.” Oswald Chambers

I recently celebrated a birthday. No, it wasn’t a milestone, but getting close to another milestone as the years go by. To use a sports analogy, I am in the fourth quarter and the clock winding down and out of time outs. Having retired from full time employment at the end of 2022, it has been a weird year for me the last 14 months. The Lord is good and has opened new opportunities for me, this ministry website being one. But at times it is hard to adjust my mind and body to something completely different from what I’ve done for 45 years.  

The devotional I read on the morning of my birthday was Oswald Chambers entitled ‘What’s Next to Do?’ It contained these words, “Beware of paying attention or going back to what you once were, when God wants you to be something that you have never been.” It got me thinking the way I was feeling over the past year was probably natural due to the duration of my employment. And it also got me to realize it was where God wanted me to be for those years, but that time has ended and the game isn’t over, there’s one quarter to go.

Just as God’s will for me included a 45-year career in retailing, He has His will for set me in these milestone years for something that I have never done. Looking over my shoulder at what once was is being disobedient to God who has a new call on my life. The same is true for each one of you no matter what stage of life you are in. When it’s time for God to move you out from where you have been, don’t look back, but look forward to where God wants you to be, and become something you have never been.

“No, dear brothers and sisters, I have not achieved it, but I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us.” Philippians 3:13-14 NLT


Our Hope is in the Lord, not in Powerful People

“Don’t put your confidence in powerful people; there is no help for you there. When they breathe their last, they return to the earth, and all their plans die with them. But joyful are those who have the God of Israel as their helper, whose hope is in the LORD their God.” Psalm 146:3-5 NLT

            The year 2023 is rapidly coming to a close. There is truth to the old sayings, ‘time flies’ and ‘time waits for no man, or woman.’ It is also true the older you get the faster it goes and I’m now on that fast moving train. Time flies. With time moving on as it does, where is your hope for the future? In whom do you place your trust and hope? Whom do you have confidence in to lead you and help you in this world we are living in and ultimately in the next world? The Psalmist of Psalm 146 says this, “But joyful are those who have the God of Israel as their helper, whose hope is in the LORD their God.” (146:5 NLT)

            As 2024 rolls in so does another Presidential election year in the United States. What was once a very exciting time for me every four years being intrigued with politics has become a time of frustration and disappointment in the political process. I have learned over the years that putting your trust in people over God also adds to this frustration and disappointment. Our trust is to be in God who “controls the course of world events; he removes kings and sets up other kings.” (Dan. 2:21 NLT) People no matter how noble, honest, sincere, humble, smart, or tenacious they are, will fail and disappoint you, even the most powerful people.

            As Christians our trust and hope is to be in God, and God alone. Our current culture is crumbling in the United States and seemingly out of control. One can easily be overcome with frustration, disappointment, and depression. Therefore, the words of the Psalmist written many years ago are here to comfort us today as we head into 2024, “Don’t put your confidence in powerful people; there is no help for you there….. But joyful are those who have the God of Israel as their helper, whose hope is in the LORD their God. “(Ps. 146:3, 5 NLT)

Read Psalm 146:


Who Do You Go To When You Are Distressed?

“In my distress I prayed to the LORD, and the LORD answered me and set me free.” Psalm 118:5 NLT

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on

            There are not two people living on this earth who are exactly alike. Even identical twins with many similarities have differences between them. There is no one who has your fingerprints, they are yours and yours alone. Your emotions, characteristics, and your stress level are also yours and yours alone. Certain social and economic structures, worldwide events, natural disasters, and environmental issues may cause like symptoms of stress between individuals, but each reacts according to their own specific blueprint. Each one, if need be, seeks out professional help in dealing with the stress in their life as it effects them directly. But there is one professional who is able to meet everyone’s stress level as only He can, the Lord God.

            Please note I am not suggesting professional help is not necessary, I thank the Lord for the professional and medical experts He has blessed us with and they are to be of service to us using the talents and wisdom God has given them. Having said that, just as you would visit a doctor who specializes in treating your specific need, the Lord God knows you intimately and is able to comfort you when feeling distressed. The pressures of the world that come upon us can make us feel like everything is against us. But Psalm 118:6-7 says, “The LORD is for me, so I will have no fear. What can mere people do to me? Yes, the LORD is for me; he will help me. I will look in triumph at those who hate me.” (NLT)

             The Lord wants us to look to Him in our times of distress in this world. He wants us to trust Him over people giving us advice or governing authorities who do have our best interests at heart. So who do you go to when you are distressed? By all means get the professional help you need, and more importantly go to the Lord in prayer trusting Him to help and guide you in your distress.

Read the text Psalm 118:5-9:


Have your considered my servant?

“Then the LORD said to Satan, “Have you considered my servant Job? There is no one on earth like him; he is blameless and upright, a man who fears God and shuns evil.” Job 1:8 NIV

How well do you handle adversity? The troubles that come into your life will determine your relationship with God by how you will react. Do you seek after God during a personal crisis for comfort and guidance, or do you blame God and demand an answer, even cursing God for the tragedies that are occurring? Those of us who are Christians are reminded, that no matter how hard it can be to accept, God is in control. He allows the events in our lives to happen to draw us closer to Him and for His Glory.

            We are given a glimpse of this reality in the book of Job. A conversation between God and Satan is unveiled in the first chapter of Job, verses 6-12. “Then the LORD said to Satan, ‘Have you considered my servant Job? There is no one on earth like him; he is blameless and upright, a man who fears God and shuns evil.’” Satan, the adversary, accuses Job of being upright only due to the fact that God has bless him tremendously. He goes on to say if the Lord would stretch out his hand against him, then Job would curse God to His face. Satan is given the go ahead.

            Unimaginable physical pain and suffering, along with the loss of his family and all his possessions is most likely the worst experience anyone ever encountered. As you read through the book of Job, you will find that Job, although very distraught at his suffering, never curses God, never loses his faith in God, and remains blameless and upright.

            The Lord could say to Satan, “Have you considered my servant Job,” because He knew Job could be trusted in following through continuing to trust God. The question is; can you and I be trusted to follow through continuing to trust God during our trails and suffering? Can the Lord say, ‘Have you considered my servant’ (your name here)?


Where is your trust?

The following devotional was written on February 9, 2020

It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man. It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in princes.” Psalm 118:8-9 KJV

            Have you ever thought about where you place your trust? There are many days when we need help and guidance as we travel on the road of life. Where do you go and who can you trust? Do you go to others who are smarter than you? This is not a bad idea if they are qualified to help. Perhaps you rely on the government and those in positions of authority. Again, these are sensible choices for help in areas beyond your expertise or in seeking justice. Do you rely on yourself, not trusting anyone, no matter the situation? Not exactly the best idea! But there is one that you can trust completely in everything, the Lord God Almighty!

            So where is your trust? I must ask myself the same question. In preparing this devotional this week, I became aware of some significant changes in my place of employment. My first reaction was how we get through this. What adjustments need to be made? What resources do we need? I applied the appropriate management plan of action, but in reality it got the best of me as it so often does. Then the Lord reminded me, in over forty years of management, there has never been a time when He had failed to provide for me. I failed to trust Him first before proceeding with the plan of action.

            The psalmist writes, “It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man,” and that includes yourself. . “It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in princes.” Put your trust in the one who knows you intimately, even better that you know yourself. Trust the Lord who created the universe and gave you life. He knows a lot more than you and I. He will lead you in the right direction. Where is your trust?

For further study in trusting God, Read Psalm 146;