
A Three-Day Weekend Getaway: three days to think and pray  

“For three days he was blind and did not eat or drink anything.” Acts 9:9 NIV

Photo by Mohd Elle on Unsplash

Here in the Untied States and I’m sure in most parts of the world, people look forward to a three-day weekend getaway. Some long weekends are planned, and others come up in a spare of the moment. Whatever the case the idea is for a change of pace to relax, rejuvenate, and just get away from your normal activities. Unfortunately, they don’t always go as anticipated. Sometimes you change your plans, or they are changed for you. Your goal of rejuvenation did not happen. Just imagine if you had the most disastrous weekend possible, but you came out the better for it, would it have been worth it, or would you be glad to be home?

The book of Acts records a story of Saul, a Pharisee of the Jews, going on a trip to the city of Damascus. This was no getaway for relaxation, but a mission to round up believers in Jesus and bring them back to Jerusalem for trial, even sentencing them to death. “As he neared Damascus on his journey, suddenly a light from heaven flashed around him.” (Acts 9:3 niv) The light blinded him as the Lord Jesus asked Saul why he was persecuting Him. Jesus then instructed Saul go into the city and he would be told what to do. The Bible tells us Saul was blind for three days, not eating or drinking, but he was praying. (Acts 9:11)

Saul was in a position where he couldn’t do much more than pray. He was met by Jesus the one whose followers were on Saul’s target list. Saul’s plans had changed for the better, but he suffered three days of blindness for it. Saul would go on to be Paul, the apostle of whom Jesus said, “This man is my chosen instrument to proclaim my name to the Gentiles and their kings and to the people of Israel. I will show him how much he must suffer for my name.” (Acts 9:15-15 niv) Saul’s three days of blindness were worth it. He spent that time praying with the Lord God and was rejuvenated in a whole new way.

How does this apply to our three-day weekend getaway? The Lord struck Saul with blindness for three days to get his attention. God has a way of getting our attention too. No, we are not as devious as Saul with his motives, but what are our true motives in all we do? There is nothing wrong with getting away for three days, and if it doesn’t go our way, perhaps the Lord is telling us something. So may we pray for three days and come out better for it. It would have been worth it.

Read:  Acts 9:1-19 NIV – Saul’s Conversion – Meanwhile, Saul – Bible Gateway

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