
A Fragrance of Loving Service

“While he was eating, a woman came in with a beautiful alabaster jar of expensive perfume and poured it over his head.” Matthew 26:7 NLT

Photo by Lilliana Grace on

The world’s most expensive perfume is ‘Passant Guardant’ by Clive Christian at $7,600 per ml or $228,000 a bottle (30ml). To be a recipient of such a gift would be an honor of the highest regard. To be the giver of such an expensive gift would be symbolic of the love towards the one receiving it. The sacrifice made in presenting the gift is on display whether intended or not. The giver cares not about the exposure, but only about presenting a gift of love in the most exquisite means possible.

Jesus received such a gift just a few days before His crucifixion. Mary, the sister of Martha and Lazurus, presented this fragrance of loving service by pouring it over His head. The pouring of oil over the head in the Old Testament is referred to as anointing oil. It was poured over the head of the high priest and his descendants to mark them as holy and set apart unto the Lord. Mary, in this case, anointed Jesus as an act of worship. She was aware who Jesus was, the Messiah. It is also possible she believed in Jesus’ words when He spoke of His impending death, even more than His disciples who seemed to struggle with it. Jesus speaks to Mary’s actions, “She has poured this perfume on me to prepare my body for burial.” (Mt.26:12 nlt)

The perfume or oil Mary poured on Jesus came from Northen India and was made of pure nard. The cost is noted as 300 denarii or about a year’s wages. (Mk.14:5) Today’s value would be about $40,000-$50,000. It was not only a fragrance of loving service, but a loving sacrifice. But Jesus’ disciples complained this act was wasteful and could have been used more wisely. “But Jesus, aware of this, replied, ‘Why criticize this woman for doing such a good thing to me?’” (Mt.26:10 nlt) Charles R. Erdman writes, “No gift to him can be too great if made in grateful love, an act may be morally beautiful even though not practically useful.” (1)

Jesus is pleased with our gifts of service to Him whatever the cost. We can never give too little or too much according to our ability to give. Our motives will determine the value of the gift and our Lord will recognize its true value; may it always be a fragrance of loving service.

Read: Matthew 26:6-13 NLT – Jesus Anointed at Bethany – Meanwhile, – Bible Gateway

(1) Erdman, Charles R. The Gospel of Matthew. Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1983.

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