
Silence is Golden

“For God alone, O my soul, wait in silence, for my hope is from him.” Psalm 62:5 ESV

Photo by Aaron Andrew Ang on Unsplash

The term ‘silence is golden’ is to say that it is often better to remain silent than to speak. That certainly bodes well if you are prone to talk too much. The less you speak the better chance you have of not saying something you might regret. Silence is also golden when remaining quiet to listen and learn. Instead of injecting your comments, opinions, or your brilliant assessment of a situation it is best to listen in silence and learn. This is especially true if you have a problem that is over your head. Seek the advice of one who is experienced and listen in silence.

King David had a big problem. His very life was being threatened. David had conspirators seeking to dethrone him by killing him. Imagine what was going through David’s mind as he was on the run from his enemies. David had more than enough experience in fighting battles, all of them successful. He could have prepared a battle plan in his mind and discussed it with the Lord, yet he sat before the Lord his God listening in silence. David had faith in God his only hope and he was patient saying, “For God alone, O my soul, wait in silence, for my hope is from him.” (Ps.62:5 esv)

You may not have a problem to the extent of someone looking to kill you, but some problems could have that effect on you. You want to share and tell someone what you are experiencing, hardly slowing down to take a breath. Perhaps it’s good therapy to get it off your chest and that is fine but retreat enough to listen to sound advice. Ultimately, God should be our first resource in seeking comfort and answers to our dilemma. It’s ok to tell God all your problems, but keep in mind that He already knows and has all the answers. Sit in silence before Him and allow Him to comfort your soul and speak to your heart. Remember silence is golden, so, “wait in silence, for (your) hope is from him.” (Ps.62:5b esv)

Read: Psalm 62 ESV – My Soul Waits for God Alone – To the – Bible Gateway

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