
Irritating God

“Lazy people irritate their employers, like vinegar to the teeth or smoke in the eyes.” Proverbs 10:26 NLT

Photo by Sean Boyd on Unsplash

The book of Proverbs is not only a book of wisdom, but it is also a true picture of life. Take Proverbs 10:26 for example, “Lazy people irritate their employers.” (10:2a nlt) A picture that comes to life I’m sure we have all seen. Hopefully, you’re not in the picture. I can testify that the Proverb is true from experience in my retail management days. Much too often I had become irritated by someone who had not finished a job due to laziness. The effects of the unfinished job created extra work either for me or other associates taking us away from our responsibilities and limiting the overall effectiveness of the business. Laziness affects more than one person, or the job that was assigned to them.

Lazy people across the working landscape can create devastating disruption of services and work products. Delays, inefficient quality, and poor business reviews just to name a few. If not corrected and left to continue it will lead to a toxic environment threating employee moral that will spread and erode the current reputation of the business.

As Christians we are co-workers with God in the world He has created. We have a responsibility to be effective in whatever job we may have and not be lazy. God’s reputation is on the line with our on-the-job performance. He is the one who created work and who supplied us with our jobs. Our God is entrusting us to be His representative in the workplace wherever that may be. He places us where He has for a reason, His reason. Christians are to live their lives for Christ in the workplace in a way that will draw others to Him. Any activity or non-activity, such as laziness, that causes inefficient quality or a poor Christian review from our co-workers just might irritate God, and we would not want to do that.

4 thoughts on “Irritating God”

  1. ALL sin effects more than the one committing it. From workaholics to the sluggards. I struggled for a long time with “laziness.” It turned out that I had A.D.D. and found out I just had trouble getting overwhelmed easily and then kind of shut down. When I was prescribed a medication I couldn’t believe the difference! Of course I am sorry for the years that, that affected others. However, I do sometimes wonder if it is a little cultural for us to be so productivity oriented. What if someone sat and talked with me about it. If we focused on the workers as people. We may find out it’s not just “laziness.” Also maybe I am just sensitive to this as it touches my sin so closely. 🥰


    1. Thank you for your comments. I appreciate you sharing your work experience. Many people struggle in their work environment for different reasons. I have always considered what one is capable of and tried to bring out the best in them. It’s when they were intentional in being slack without any hinderences that would keep them from doing the job, that is the concern. God knows what we are capable of and only expects that, but He does expect that. Thanks again for responding and God’s Blessings! Loring


  2. I don’t know how I happened upon your blog, but I enjoy it! I hope I didn’t insinuate YOU were only production oriented. This one, like I said just hits close to home. It’s probably the sin I struggle the most with. But I like how you said that… God knows what we ARE capable of. So very true. Thank you for replying! That was kind! And thanks for sharing your gift of writing!
    shaun 🙂


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