
Going from last to first

“So those who are last now will be first then, and those who are first will be last.” Matthew 20:16 NLT

            Today is Thursday September 7,2023. This date has been marked on the calendar of many football fans since last year’s Super Bowl. It is the start of the NFL season with renewed hope for discouraged fans of low performance teams and continued enthusiasm for the highly successful ones. Week 1 starts with every team equal in the standings. With no games played, every team is in first place and you can say every team is also in last place. But as the season unfolds there will be separation and the cream will rise to the top.

            A major topic in sports talk radio podcasts leading up to opening weekend is which teams, if any, will rise from last place to first place this coming season. There were only two that caught my ear as being possible contenders, one being the New York Jets with the arrival of future Hall of Famer Aaron Rogers, and the other the Atlanta Falcons in a division with not much competition. Going from last to first in the NFL is a major accomplishment through the hard work of physical training, dedication, coaching, discipline, patience, and focusing on one game at a time. Not many have done it, but it has been done.

            Jesus had a few things to say about those who are last and those who are first. He, of course, was not referring any sporting event but to service in the work of the Lord. Jesus used the Parable of the Vineland Workers to illustrate that faithfulness in serving Him will be rewarded. There were the first in line workers who agreed to work for the landowner for a day at a specific rate of pay. Others were hired by the landowner throughout the day right up to 5 PM, but for no specific rate of pay. As the wages were paid out, those who were hired first were upset that those who worked only part of the day received the same amount of pay. Jesus’s point was those who agreed to work for the said amount received what was due, and those who received the same payment were recipients of the landowners reward to them for their faithfulness.

            All who have accepted Christ as Savior, either as a young child, a teenager, young adult, middle age, or senior citizen will be rewarded eternal life. God rewards faithfulness in service to Him according to the ability and the time each one has to serve Him. Some have more opportunity to serve the Lord than others, but all will receive the full day’s pay of eternal life.

            Going from last to first in a NFL season will get you a reward, going from first to last will get you fired. In the Kingdom of God the reward is the same for all who receive Christ as Savior for Salvation, eternal life. “So those who are last now will be first then, and those who are first will be last.”    Read the Parable of the Vineyard Workers:

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